[TRANS] 171009 Jiu Fancafe Update – No title…?♥

Hello you guys~ It’s Jiu, hehe. Are our kids doing well~? Today we finished our Japanese promotions and concert… I received a lot of love from fans and could stand on many stages, I think it’s because of our fans, hehe. I wanted to say thank you again.. My feelings today, Dreamcatcher sang while standing on stage, sharing feelings together and we showed the things we practice hard on to you guys, it’s the pleasure and happiness of my life. Do you know~?♥ I want to show you cool appearance, a good appearance always as seven!!
Us seven people know very well. Our dreamers!! When Dreamcatcher is complete, we shine and a boundless energy emerges!!!
I don’t forget my grateful heart every time and I will work hard!!! Heuhee, so please support us a lot♥ The getting colder little by little.. I don’t want my people to get sick, so please be careful about catching a cold and I will also be careful, hehe
Today also, I love my kids so much♥

Trans.: 7-dreamers
Do not take without credit

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