How to sign up for Daum

How to: sign up for DAUM

You will need a daum account in order to join dreamcatcher’s fancafe
  1. Go to daum. Click the menu in the top left corner (for desktop, go to step 3 and find ‘회원가입’ at the right side)

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2. Click ‘로그인’ (login) on either the top or bottom of the screen

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3. Click ‘회원가입’ (sign up)

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4. Click to sign up with your kakaotalk account

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5. You will be redirected to your kakaotalk account and it will be automatically linked to daum. Select kakaotalk account and collection & use of personal information. Click accept.

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6. Click on the “I do not have a daum ID” option if you are registering to daum for the first time. (If you already have a daum ID and merely want to link your kakaotalk account you can click the “I have a daum ID” option).

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7. Choose a daum ID and enter it into the appropriate field. Then click ‘가입완료’ to complete your sign up.

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8. You have completed your registration to daum! You will see your daum ID, kakaotalk account and nickname.

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