IDOL CHAMP – How to Vote for Show Champion

Last update: 21-May-2023

Only 1 account is allowed per device!
Download the IDOL CHAMP app:

Sections in this guide:

  • Sign Up
  • Collecting Chamsim
  • Show Champion Vote


After installing the app, confirm the required app access permissions.
You can create an account using google, facebook or kakaotalk.


Once logged in to the app, you can collect chamsims (hearts) and stars.

NOTE FOR NEW ACCOUNTS: To have full use of your Idol Champ account (and vote on Show Champion), you must participate in the daily chart for 5 days!

Select dreamcatcher as your star by clicking the top right menu & choosing your star
On the home page, click on ‘dreamcatcher’ and enter 1 chamsim to vote (do not use more chamsim on daily chart, they are needed for show champion vote!)

Please make your account before voting starts so you will be able to use every number of votes and charge chamsims via quiz/community activities.

Time Chamsims (blue hearts):

Time chamsim are used for voting, quizes, fandom ads and charts. time chamsims expire at the end of the month.
You can earn time chasims through:

  • attendance check (once per day)
  • write comments (once per day)
  • liking community posts (once per day)
  • solving quizzes

Ruby Chamsims (red hearts):

Ruby chamsims can be used on vote, fandom ads and charts. ruby chamsims never expire.
You can earn ruby chamsims through:

  • free charging: play the roulette (ads), solving missions, attendance ad
  • quiz champ weekly challenge
  • reward for levelling up
  • 20% payback for star-giving fundraising
  • buying chamsims

Star Chamsim (yellow star)

You can donate Star Chamsim under the name of dreamcatcher to the Korea Animal Right Advocate (KARA).
Scroll down on the home page until you see ‘star donation’
Donations are made under the star giving page, and you will receive ruby chamsims in return. Always donate a multiple of 5 stars chamsim (ex. 5, 10, 15, 20, …) & click support


To vote on idol champ, click on the “vote” with the heart tab at the bottom of the screen and scroll down until you find the Show Champion logo.
Click on the heart next to Dreamcatcher’s title track. You can vote a maximum of 300 times per day per account (per device). 1 vote = 3 chamsims

Total number of chamsims per day = 900
Total number of chamsims per early vote = 3,600