[TRANS] 170525 Gahyeon Fancafe Update – Again!! Properly!!ㅠㅠㅠ

Hello!! Is everyone staying healthy, eating their meals, and spending their time thinking about me according to what I said?? I’m also staying healthy, eating my meals, and spending my time thinking of you guys!! This place has many very interesting things and a lot of delicious things, kekeke. But I really, really miss our fans…ㅠㅠㅠ You look at my pictures but what should I look at…ㅠㅠㅠㅠ So I’m in the middle of earnestly reading letters, hehe. Every day I’m impressed..ㅠㅠㅠ So I am also earnestly writing a letter.. I can’t write letters well, so you guys won’t be impressed, but please know the feelings of my heart are…..double 1000000!! I will do the remaining promotions well and go!! So pray with one heart and one meaning, kekeke. Until I go back, I will keep what I promised so I will stop here for tomorrow bye~~~~><

Trans.: 7-dreamers
Do not take without credit

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