‘REASON’ Special Single – Lyrics Translation

13 January 2023
Special Single – Dreamcatcher 6th anniversary
I have to go on
어린아이 같았던 나는 이제 없지만
My once childlike self is no more
같은 자리에서 넌 힘이 되어 줬구나
but you were always there, giving me strength
재빠르게 지나온 나의 뒤로 모든 게
Flying past, everything behind me
참 오래도록 꿈꿨던 모습으로
now in the form of my long held dreams
너와 다른 듯 보이지
I may seem different from you
하지만 별반 다르지 않아
but I’m not that different
치이고 치면서 자랐지 틀렸단 말이 많아
I grew up being cast aside again and again, being told I was wrong
다짐한 만큼 올라갈 땐 꼭 책임감이 따라
When I rise to my aspirations, responsibility always follows
매 순간 되새기며 Go up
Reflecting on it every moment, go up
이내 빛을 가린 구름이 앞을 가려도
Even though the clouds that block the light soon get in my way
Far away 멀리 Far away
Far away Far Far away
보란 듯이 날아갈 날개를 펼쳐
I’ll spread my wings and fly away as if showing off
Cause you are the Reason
(Wah ah ah- Wah ah ah ah-
Wah ah ah Wah ah-)
흘러가는 시간 좀처럼 잡을 수 없더라고
Time flows by and we can never hold it back
그래도 믿어 우린 언제나 나아가니까
But I still believe, because we always go forward
Yeah, One minute like a year
Make hundred to million 내가 쥔
Make hundred to million In my hand
높은 곳에 질주를 위한 Key
the key that will let me sprint to the heights
We don’t fight
보여 우리만의 길 위의 Light
I can see it, the light over our path
That is love or friendship
이내 빛을 가린 구름이 앞을 가려도
Even though the clouds that block the light soon get in my way
Far away 멀리 Far away
Far away Far Far away
보란 듯이 날아갈 날개를 펼쳐
I’ll spread my wings and fly away as if showing off
Cause you are the Reason
(Wah ah ah- Wah ah ah ah-
Wah ah ah Wah ah-)
(Wah ah ah- Wah ah ah ah-
Wah ah ah Wah ah-)
지금 이 순간 그대 목소리가
In this moment, your voice
모든 걸 말해 주네 Oh-
tells me everything Oh-
We’re always with InSomnia
We can spend more time
Together 한계를 넘어
Together, beyond the limit
(Wah ah- 날개를 펼쳐-) 우리 함께 날아갈 날개를 펼쳐
(Wah ah- Spread our wings-) Spread the wings that we’ll fly together with
Cause you are the Reason
(Wah ah ah- Wah ah ah ah-
Wah ah ah Wah ah-)
너와 다른 듯 보이지
I may seem different from you
하지만 별반 다르지 않아
but I’m not that different
치이고 치면서 자랐지 틀렸단 말이 많아
I grew up being cast aside again and again, being told I was wrong
다짐한 만큼 올라갈 땐 꼭 책임감이 따라
When I rise to my aspirations, responsibility always follows
매 순간 되새기며 Go up
Reflecting on it every moment, go up
Lyrics by: LEEZ, Ollounder
Composed & Arranged by: LEEZ, Ollounder
Translation by 7-Dreamer HojuneTL
Please do not take translation without credit