Dreamcatcher First Anniversary Café Ordering Bells in Seoul!

Hello everyone!
It’s been a year since Dreamcatcher debuted on 13 January 2017! We launched a project through Fanmaum in September last year to celebrate this special day by broadcasting videos of Dreamcatcher in cafés across Seoul through ordering bells. More information about the project can be found here.
We are really proud to announce that we’ve raised over 572,000 hearts on Fanmaum, which is almost USD 570! With this amount, we are able to broadcast our special anniversary video in 11 cafés in Seoul for a period of 1 week, starting 12 January! That’s really amazing and we really thank everyone for their unwavering support! ^♡^
To start off the celebrations… we have revealed the video that will be played on the café ordering bells!
The video will be shown on ordering bells at these cafés in Seoul:
Dunkin’ Donuts 던킨도너츠
1. Gangnam Main Store – 1F Hongu Building, 1328 Seocho-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul
강남본점 – 서울시 서초구 서초동 1328번지 홍우빌딩 1층
2. City Hall Main Store – 1F Gwanghak Building, 360-1 Taepyung-ro 2-ga, Jung-ga, Seoul
시청역점 – 서울시 중구 태평로2가 360-1 광학빌딩 1층
3. Seoul Station First Store – B1F B-5, 122-11 Bongrae-dong 2-ga, Jung-gu, Seoul
서울역1호점 – 서울시 (중구) 봉래동2가 122-11 지하1층
Twosome Place Plus 투썸플러스
4. Cheongdam CGV Store – 1F 651-15 Cheongdam CGV, Shinsa-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul
투플청담CGV점 – 서울시 강남구 신사동 651-15번지 청담CGV1층
Twosome Place 투썸플레이스
5. Sangam E&M Store – 1F CJ E&M Center, 1606 Sangam-dong, Mapo-gu, Seoul
상암이앤엠점 – 서울시 마포구 상암동 1606번지 CJ 이앤엠센터 1층
6. Sinchon Store – 1F 30-8 Changcheon-dong, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul
신촌점 – 서울시 서대문구 창천동 30-8 1층
Tom & Toms 탐앤탐스
7. Konkuk University Store – 5-91 Hwayang-dong, Gwangjin-gu, Seoul
건대점 – 서울시 광진구 화양동 5-91
Coffeebene 카페베네
8. Yeouido KBS Annex Store – 1F 46-1 Yeouido-dong, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul 여의도KBS별관점 – 서울시 영등포구 여의도동 46-1 1층
King’s Bean Coffee (Cublic) 킹스빈
9. Hongdae Joint – 133 Wausan-ro, Seogyo-dong- Mapo-gu, Seoul
킹스빈홍대아트점 – 서울시 마포구 와우산로 133 (서교동)
Café Thanks (Cublic) 카페땡스
10. Gangnam Branch 1 – 1F Gangnamdae-ro 8-gil 6, Yeoksam-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul
카페땡스강남1호점 – 서울시 강남구 강남대로84길 6,1층(역삼동)
EDIYA Coffee 이디야
11. Seonjeongleung Station Store – 326 Bongeunsa-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul Special District
선정릉역점 – 서울특별시 강남구 봉은사로 326
If you are visiting Seoul during the week, do visit these cafés to support Dreamcatcher as well!
We are looking forward to organizing another support project through Fanmaum, hence, don’t stop collecting those attendance rewards because they will certainly come in useful in due time
Happy first anniversary, our dearest Dreamcatcher ♡