19 Feb 2020 Z Interview② “Dreamcatcher “We would like to do a followup promotion … Don’t miss ‘Black or White'”
[Zenith News=Reporter Byeon Jin-hee] Dreamcatcher revealed their affection for the B-side tracks of their…
[Zenith News=Reporter Byeon Jin-hee] Dreamcatcher revealed their affection for the B-side tracks of their…
Reporter Byeon Jin-hee (bjh123@zenithnews.com) ▲ Dreamcatcher (Photo=Dreamcatcher Company) [Zenith News=Reporter Byeon Jin-hee]…
‘Dystopia’ First Studio album released after three years and two months since debut Dreamcatcher’s new…
[Dailysports Hwang Ji-young] The group Dreamcatcher returns with their new world ‘Dystopia’ following the…
[Dailysports Hwang Jee-young] Image courtesy of Dreamcatcher Company The group Dreamcatcher returns with their new…
(Seoul=News1) Reporter Koh Seung-ah = Group Dreamcatcher’s first studio album ‘Dystopia : The Tree…
Group Dreamcatcher was shown again how passionately the InSomnias worldwide love them. According…
[N Interview] “Promoting without Handong, we cheer for each other” Group Dreamcatcher…
Group ‘Dreamcatcher’ revealed their desire to appear on various comedy shows to increase domestic recognition….