New Project Proposal

Good day/evening/night, VitaMINX!

Not too long ago, we wrote up a post announcing the opening of our Fanmaum project in which we would attempt to collect sufficient funds to purchase the girls some gifts in celebration of their second anniversary. However, the project is nowhere near close to being completed and time is flying by. So, in an attempt to still do something for the girls, we’re thinking of sending them a cake. 

This would be done so via the company Cake Factory. They would deliver the cake to Happyface for free and we would be able to have it decorated any way we want. We’d of course make it known that it is coming from international fans. 

Considering, once again, the size of our fandom, the cake would be particularly small. We could add a photo to it and letters, as well as stars, hearts, etc. The cost would be around $90-$100 USD depending on size. (For examples, visit 

If anyone is interested in this, please let us know. Donations will be accepted through miriamdh05(at)hotmail(dot)com from now until we achieve the goal (at least 100 USD) if enough people are willing to participate. 
Questions, comments, and concerns, make sure to direct them to

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