
[TRANS] 170228 Twitter Update Long time since school uniforms.. I was very awkward he he….

[TRANS] 170227 Instagram Update Did you all watch yesterday’s Open Concert?!?! How was our new…

[TRANS] 170227 Twitter Update How could this be? I matched my hair because I love…

[TRANS] 170223 Siyeon’s Fancafe Update Hi hi, you guys! Are you enjoying your Thursday?We weren’t…

[TRANS] 170222 Twitter Update Gather before the TV. Haha. Just wait a tiny bit! We…

[TRANS] 170222 Instagram Update Sisters that look alike keke Give me a kiss?! Trans.: 7-dreamersDo…

[TRANS] 170221 Twitter Update Soon SingSingDongdongYoohYoohDamDam’s V App will start! Trans.: 7-dreamersDo not take without…

[TRANS] 170220 SuA’s Fancafe Update – Swa is here~ You guys, hello~ Swa is here~It’s…