‘Playground’ GAHYEON Solo – Apocalypse : Save Us Lyric Translation

황금빛 모래 속에
The child who stuck her hand
손을 넣던 아이
into the golden sand
(To hold to cherish,
Uh wanna hold to cherish Ah-)
그네를 타면 느껴
While riding the swing
살랑이는 바람이 좋아
the gentle breeze is nice
(To hold to cherish,
Uh wanna hold to cherish Ah-)
높았던 비탈길
The steep slope
끝없는 계단들
and endless stairs
(길 따라 꿈을 뛰어가던
(My childhood memories
내 어린 추억들을)
of running towards my dream by following the road)
이젠 지켜주고파
I want to protect them now
다시 그려 볼래
I want to draw it again
Draw my draw my playground
회색 공간 내 맘대로 칠해 봐
I color the gray space as I please
다시 채워 볼래
I want to fill it again
Draw my draw my playground
난 이 순간 다시
In this moment
어려지는 중이야
I’m getting younger once more
I feel so comfy
빙글빙글 돌아가는
The clouds that spin round and round
구름들이 이상해
are strange
Woo- wah-
Is it true?
시소에 마주 앉아
Sitting face to face on the seesaw
하루하루 재미있잖아 Oh
Each and every day is fun Oh
(To hold to cherish,
Uh wanna hold to cherish Ah-)
높았던 비탈길
The steep slope
끝없는 계단들
and endless stairs
(길 따라 꿈을 뛰어가던
(My childhood memories
내 어린 추억들을)
of running towards my dream by following the road)
모두 다 새롭게
Make it all new
다시 그려 볼래
I want to draw it again
Draw my draw my playground
회색 공간 내 맘대로 칠해 봐
I color the gray space as I please
다시 채워 볼래
I want to fill it again
Draw my draw my playground
난 이 순간 다시
In this moment
어려지는 중이야
I feel so comfy
어릴 적 새겨 놓은
The doodles on the wall
벽 위에 낙서가
engraved when I was young
Oh 하나하나 숨결 담아낸
Oh, it has every breath of mine
만화 속의 주인공
The protagonist of the manhwa
다 내 얘기 같아
It seems like my story
Just fly high
자유로움에 날 맡기고
Trust myself to the freedom
멀리 멀리 날아가
And fly far, far away
Just fly high
길다란 꿈 따라서
Following my long dream
멀리 멀리 날아가
And fly far, far away
다시 뛰어 놀래
I want to run and play again
Hang out with the playground
모든 걸 잊고
Forget everything
맘대로 뛰어 봐
and run to your heart’s desire
다시 돌아갈래
I want to go back
Hang out with the playground
난 이 순간 다시
In this moment
어려지는 중이야
I’m getting younger once more
I feel so comfy
It makes me comfy
Lyrics & Composed by: Gahyeon, 한수석, LEEZ
Composed & Arranged by: 한수석, LEEZ
Translation by 7-Dreamer jiulily, HojuneTL
Please do not take translation without credit