Over the Sky Dreamcatcher Fancafe Event (Yoohyeon)

I am Dreamcatcher’s Yoohyeon haha
Our Dreamcatcher 2nd Anniversary commemoration! Ddanddara~! An event to celebrate the release of the
fansong special single [Over the Sky], ‘Yoohyeon’s stylist, please!?’!! Wow, it will be fun! Normally, my
fashion sense is.. Um ha. Even though I like my style I would like to see everyone’s style and wear it!
Please confirm the official details below and participate a lot!.
[Yoohyeon’s stylist, please!? Event]
– Participation Period –
2019.01.23 (Wed) Now ~ 2019.01.28 (Mon) Until 11:59PM KST
– Participation Method –
① What style of clothes will suit Yoohyeon? Please think about it!
② Please capture the image of the style that Yoohyeon will suit!
③ After including your fancafe nickname in your screen captures, make a post under [유현이의 코디를 부탁해!?],
a category under the ‘이벤트’(event) section, including your message to Yoohyeon. Upload it as a secret message and you are done!
★ If there is a stylist whose style that will seem to suit Yoohyeon really well, Yoohyeon will pick one and wear clothes that will be the closest to it herself and upload a proof shot ★
* One entry will only be allowed for each person.
* Posts that do not adhere to the rules will be disqualified for the event.
– Winner Selection –
I! Dreamcatcher’s Yoohyeon will personally pick! Hahat! Please post all types of styles~!
– Prize –
10 ‘Over the Sky’ autographed albums (not for sale)
Thank you.??
I will believe in everyone’s fashion sense!