‘OOTD’ – Lyrics Translation

Jiu | Sua | Siyeon | Handong | Yoohyeon | Dami | Gahyeon
OOTD this my Fashion
Shut up, no more questions
비춰 Spotlight, Unforgettable
Shine the Spotlight Unforgettable
I’m the future, So incredible
안겨 줄게 더 큰 전율을
I’ll give you bigger thrills
Like a time-lapse
bet you’ll remember me
Catch up, it’s a miracle
Complicated, it’s a miracle
Revolution 나의 안목이
Revolution My ability to discern
Gonna catch your attention,
then wait till you know
매일 불꽃이 터져
Flames erupt every day
So high
I am Venus, Nephthys Call me a Goddess
닿지 못할 만큼
I’m only doing better
Shall we start this game?
One, Two, Three, Four
One, Two, Three
OOTD this my Fashion
Shut up, no more questions
OOTD this my Fashion
Ready action
Don’t you want to feel it? Come and ride
Popping the champagne
Look at my necklace
Wearing my black dress
Cruising my rollie
Cash in the backseat
We call it so sweet, so sweet
Outta my Outta my Outta my
Fxxx outta my way
나의 Red carpet I’m another level
My Red carpet I’m another level
이제 안 숨길래 Looking for my life
I won’t hide it anymore Looking for my life
Driving on the highway
Drunken everyday
어때 Do you feel like a monster?
How is it Do you feel like a monster?
매일 불꽃이 터져
Flames erupt every day
So high
I am Venus, Nephthys Call me a Goddess
닿지 못할 만큼
I’m only doing better
Shall we start this game?
One, Two, Three, Four
One, Two, Three
OOTD this my Fashion
Shut up, no more questions
OOTD this my Fashion
Ready action
Don’t you want to feel it? Come and ride
Popping the champagne
Look at my necklace
Wearing my black dress
Cruising my rollie
Cash in the backseat
We call it so sweet, so sweet
Celebrate, 우리의 축제
Celebrate, our festival
Elevate, 보다 더 높게
Elevate, even higher
Visualize, 나를 더 표현해
Visualize, express myself more
Hypnotize, 좀 더 어지럽게
Hypnotize, feel dizzier
Popping the champagne
Look at my necklace
Wearing my black dress
Cruising my rollie
Cash in the backseat
Don’t you want to feel it? Come and ride
OOTD I’m flawless I’m flawless
I’m so gorgeous
여길 봐봐, I’m spotless I’m spotless
Look here, I’m spotless I’m spotless
I’m so priceless
OOTD I’m flawless I’m flawless
I’m so gorgeous
여길 봐봐, I’m spotless I’m spotless
Look here, I’m spotless I’m spotless
I’m so priceless
I’m so gorgeous
Lyrics by: Ollounder, Door, Maddox
Composed by: Ollounder, Peperoni, Oliv, Door, Maddox
Translation by 7-Dreamers: HojuneTL
Please do not take translation without credit