‘Odd Eye’ – DYSTOPIA: Road To Utopia Lyric Translation

Jiu | Sua | Siyeon | Handong | Yoohyeon | Dami | Gahyeon
두 눈을 떠 모두가 바란 찬란한 이곳
Open your two eyes, this is the bright place you’ve all been hoping for
셀 수 없이 슬픔을 흘린 후
After all the countless sadness has flowed past
조금씩 보이는 New world
Slowly coming into view, new world
경계선을 넘어선 그 공간
The area beyond the boundary
더 아름다운 풍경을 In my eyes
More beautiful scenery, in my eyes
긴 방황 끝에 찾은 듯했지만 또
It feels like I’ve found it after wandering for so long, yet
마주쳐 버린 희망 속의 Lie
I’m faced with a lie inside the hope
더욱더 교묘해져 My mistake Oh
It gets more and more complex, my mistake oh
빛으로 가려지는 So So Sorrow
Covered by the light so so sorrow
미소에 속아 방심하는 그 순간
Deceived by a smile and caught off guard, in that moment
숨은 비밀을 봐 Odd Eye
Look at the hidden secret, Odd Eye
더 깊이 빠져들어 봐 봐
Fall, fall in deeper
다 그럴듯한 거짓말
The lie that it’ll all be like that
달콤함에 가려져 Woo
Covered by the sweetness woo
경계를 허무는 눈과
With eyes that break the boundaries
끝까지 맞서려는 절망
And the despair that I’ll fight to the end
끝이 있지 않을까
Won’t there be an end?
Back and forth 여긴 찾던 곳이 아닌걸
Back and forth This place isn’t what you’ve been looking for
No more Utopia
Yah Live it up Uh
무의미에 발버둥 치네
Struggling against the meaninglessness
같은 곳에 머문 듯해
Feels like I’ve stayed in the same place
다시 끝없는 갈증을 안은 채
With that endless thirst again
신기룰 쫓아도 거기엔 없는데
Even if I chase the mirage, it’s not there
황홀한 찰나 완벽한 환상
An enchanting moment, a perfect illusion
현실을 가린 채 Ooh Uh
It covers reality ooh uh
달라진 눈에 보이는 결말
I see a different ending
마주쳐 버린 희망 속의 Lie
I’m faced with a lie inside the hope
더욱더 교묘해져 My mistake Oh
It gets more and more complex, my mistake oh
빛으로 가려지는 So So Sorrow
Covered by the light so so sorrow
미소에 속아 방심하는 그 순간
Deceived by a smile and caught off guard, that moment
숨은 비밀을 봐 Odd Eye
Look at the hidden secret, Odd Eye
더 깊이 빠져들어 봐 봐
Fall, fall in deeper
다 그럴듯한 거짓말
The lie that it’ll all be like that
달콤함에 가려져 Woo
Covered by the sweetness woo
경계를 허무는 눈과
With eyes that break the boundaries
끝까지 맞서려는 절망
And despair that faces me until the end
끝이 있지 않을까
Won’t there be an end?
Back and forth 여긴 찾던 곳이 아닌걸
Back and forth This place isn’t what you’ve been looking for
No more Utopia
조급히 조급히 변하길 바랐던 나
In a hurry, in a hurry, I wanted it to change
(이상적인 꿈)
This ideal dream
조금씩 조금씩 사라져 가는 갈망 (Ah)
Little by little, the longing disappears ah
나를 따라만 오는 줄 알았던
as if it’s following the shadow that
그림자를 따라가는 듯이 Oh
I only thought was following me
바꾸지 못하는 운명 속에
Within the fate I can’t change
희망은 더 사라져 가
Hope disappears even more
끝내 눈을 가려 Odd Eye
In the end, I covery my eyes Odd Eye
더 깊이 빠져들어 So dark
Fall in deeper so dark
다 그럴듯한 거짓말
it’s all just plausible lies
달콤함에 가려져 Woo
Covered by the sweetness woo
경계 속 허무한 나와
With me that breaks the boundaries
끝까지 맞서려는 절망
And the despair that I’ll fight to the end
끝이 없을 것 같아
I don’t think there will be an end
Back and forth 여긴 찾던 곳이 아닌걸
Back and forth This place isn’t what you’ve been looking for
No more Utopia
Lyrics by: LEEZ, Ollounder, 1월 8일
Composed & Arranged by: LEEZ, Ollounder
Translation by 7-Dreamers jiulily
Please do not take translation without credit