How to download a gifted song on Melon

At the moment, international fans can’t make free accounts on Melon anymore. However, those who still hold an old Melon account can help out.

Downloaded songs count a lot towards the Melon chart, and although an account without a korean number verifying it can’t buy a streaming pass or buy songs, it can still receive it as a gift from a verified account.

If you have a Melon account and are willing to help Dreamcatcher by downloading the song 7-Dreamers will gift it to you, so please DM or email us your melon username.

We will be gifting the songs between 6pm-7pm kst, make sure to download it in that hour!

apk for android:

How to download a gifted song

When we send you the song you should get a notification which will direct you to the download page

If you don’t, here’s how to do it:

Open melon and click on the 3 lines on the top

Click on My 마이뮤직

Then click on 선물

And finally click on 전체 다운로드 to download it

How to verify you downloaded it

Go back to ‘your page’

Click on 저장한 콘텐츠 and then 곡

if the song appears under 최근 저장순, the download was successful


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