06 May 2019 ‘Dreamcatcher successfully wraps up Japanese Concerts… “In talks for extra touring in Asia”

Dreamcatcher successfully wraps up Japanese Concerts… “In talks for extra touring in Asia”

The girl group Dreamcatcher made a new memory with Japanese fans.

Photo courtesy of Dreamcatcher Company

Dreamcatcher held four solitary concerts, ‘Invitation from Nightmare City in JAPAN’, on May 2nd and 4th in Tokyo and Kobe respectively, sharing a close moment with fans.

Their Japanese concert was a chance to see their ‘Nightmare’ themed story in one sitting. From ‘Chase Me’, their debut title, to ‘PIRI’, which brought their narrative to a close, they filled the concerts with their unique charm.

Dreamcatcher also prepared various sub-unit stages for Japanese fans. Presenting performances in diverse concepts they haven’t been able to show off before as Dreamcatcher, they gave special enjoyment to fans who came.

Outside of the stages, the diverse special events they held during the Japanese concerts allowed them to step closer to the fans. Since Japan has been home to special memories for the group, serving as the starting point of their previous world tours, the fans there were more passionate than ever.

“Thank you to our Japanese fans who always get us overflowing with emotions,” Dreamcatcher said. “We won’t forget this love as we wait for days we spend with you to return. While we wait for the day we see each other again, we’ll do our best to show you an even better appearance.”

Dreamcatcher started their Asia tour, ‘Invitation from Nightmare City’, off in Jakarta, Indonesia. They so far have met fans in Singapore, Manila of the Philippines, Seoul, Tokyo and Kobe. They are currently in talks to hold extra shows in various countries and cities.

Reporter Kim Ju-won sestar@sedaily.com

Original article

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