12 Oct 2022 Xportsnews “We really did work hard”…re-debut after MINX, Dreamcatcher looks back upon their 5 years” ④

Dreamcatcher looked back on their working life that were full of ups and downs over the past five years.
Dreamcatcher, who made a comeback on the 11th, has released seven mini-albums and two full-length albums so far since their debut in 2017. Yoohyeon said that her desire made her endure busy work. She said, “Our desire to show better to our fans who love us made us grow.” And Siyeon said, “This will pass as well” is my motto. My condition depends on how much I sleep, but I think I can overcome this one day and talk with a smile.” And she said “I live for the day”, revealing her unique view of life and making people laugh.
Dreamcatcher, who has been busy since its debut, has prepared their 7th mini album ‘Apocalypse : Follow us’ in parallel with their world tour. After finishing this work, they will have a Halloween concert in Korea and a European tour starting from November. We asked them about having to do a busy schedule right after they finish their busy activities. Gahyeon said, “I think the first important thing is not to get sick by taking good care of my health. I will do my best to show people good performances.” And SuA said, “I hope everyone enjoys it because it’s a moment that won’t come back. Instead of thinking “It’s heavy” or “It’s just work”, I hope we can have fun thinking that we’re going on a trip together.”

Dreamcatcher picked out things that they were curious about themselves. SuA said chattily, “Why aren’t our members getting old? When I look at the pictures our fans took of us, there’s not much difference between years ago and now, it’s really a surprise.” When Siyeon was shy to hear that, Sua said, “Siyeon looks exactly the same as her baby picture.” Yoohyeon said, “I wonder what are the limits of what they can express. Our members are good at playing any genre.”
People may only think of them as a rock/metal-based powerful group, but Dreamcatcher debuted as MINX in 2014 and they had a very different(?) fresh and sweet time. JiU said calmly, looking back on the past 5 years as Dreamcatcher with 2 more new members, “I think I was really working hard. I think we’re having this great time because there was a time when we were MINX. I’m really working hard now too.”
Yoohyeon said, “I thought I am a person who gives up quickly, but I am more persistent than I thought. I rediscovered myself, and I’m proud of myself because I’m quite a nice person.” Dami said, “I think it’s all about finding myself. There is an idiomatic saying that says, “The paths to wander are all my paths. I think what I’ve done so far has been the process of finding what I want to do. Those were good steps that could only be taken at that age, and I think my concept now is clothes that look good on me.”
Siyeon said, “I think every moment was a moment that exceeded the limit. Looking back on those times, I’m like, ‘How did I do this at that time?’” And she exclaimed, “It’s amazing, I was young,” making people around her laugh. SuA said, “I thought I was a person of fiery temper, but I think I’m patient now. The fortune teller said that I’m patient. And now that I think about myself, I persevered in a lot of things. I think that patience made me grow.” She added laughter to this sudden “Fortune-telling.”
Handong and Gahyeon, who were not together during MINX, also talked about their past five years. Handong said, “Even if there were moments that were lacking, all the paths I’ve walked are experiences, and I think they’ve accumulated more and more, and they made ‘now’ what it is. I think happy moments, sad moments, and hard moments are all experiences. If I hadn’t been there, I wouldn’t be who I am now.” Gahyeon said, “I thought I did my best at the time, but now I think I should have worked harder. The members said, ‘If you debut, you won’t have much time to practice’ and now I think I should’ve practiced hard before debut.”

Dreamcatcher gave honest answers about various activities that proved they worked hard and what they realized after going through them, making us think they have precious feelings for their team and they value their work. Also, their consideration for waiting for us until we finish typing the previous member’s saying makes us think that that was the secret that kept people invested in them. Lastly, we will show you what they said. And we wish them, as they mentioned the importance of time a lot, that happiness, big and small, will be with them regardless of whether they get chances to take a break or not.
“I may live for the day, but I swear that I will not waste a single day and live hard as the human Lee Siyeon.” (Siyeon)
“What I want for this promotion is ‘small but certain happiness.’ I’m trying to feel happy about all the things we do for the promotion, including the short moments I get to meet our fans.” (Dami)
“I think I’ve achieved a lot of goals this year. It was a pity that there were so few moments to meet our fans because of COVID-19, but I hope we can make more good moments because we can get together from this promotion onwards.” (Handong)
SuA talked about the time, so I realized again how precious time is. I will make sure that each moment counts, as they will never come back. Thank you for spending precious time with me.” (Yoohyeon)
“Don’t be impatient. Every little moment is important in your process” (SuA)
“I didn’t feel comfortable in the early days after my debut. So I had a hard time on the way.
I practiced to relax my mind. I hope this season will be a relaxing time, we can wake up early and drink water, that relaxation time.” (JiU)
“I hope the rest of 2022 goes well. Not too happy, not too sad.” (Gahyeon)
Source: xportsnews
Translation by 7-Dreamers Carrot & HojuneTL
Please do not take translation without credit