01 Oct 2019 “Dreamcatcher interacts with their fans through their ‘Talk Concert’… ‘Dreamies’ Counselling Center’ Open”

Dreamcatcher has spent this entire special day together with their fans.

Dreamcatcher met with their fans last September 28 in the afternoon at the COEX Live Plaza where the Gangnam – G Festa was held.

On that day, Dreamcatcher started off the Talk Concert with one of their B-track songs, “Polaris”, from their recently released special mini-album entitled, “Raid of Dream.” They also drew the warm cheers from their fans through their presentation of their title song, “Deja Vu”.

Sequentially, Dreamcatcher has also started their talks with the audience about a ‘Counselling Center for Dreamies’ Worries’. Members JiU and SuA were assigned as the emcees and hosted the concert. Through the 2 emcees, along with the rest of the members, they were able to communicate with the fans on the spot and actively shared their thoughts and opinions.

Out of the many stories that were shared, Dreamcatcher interacted with their fans through the stories of anguish and apprehension that they picked themselves. They have stated, “It seemed like one hour flew by so fast.” As their final remarks, Dreamcatcher expressed, “Since we were able to enjoy and have a great time with our long-time beloved InSomnias, we really loved it,” and finished up the concert.

source: http://www.marketnews.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=38322


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