[TRANS] 170517 Goodnight Instagram Update #Dreamcatcher #Goodnightstagram#goodnight #goodnightgram ? Trans.: 7-dreamersDo not take without credit

[TRANS] 170517 Instagram Update The last cheek-to-cheek shot, heehee! The cheek-to-cheet shot season will return!…

[TRANS] 170517 Twitter Update Because of you guys my day was way, way, way more…

[TRANS] 170517 Twitter Update Soon! The pink princess Jjyu’s birthday V Live will start! Trans.:…

[TRANS] 170517 Twitter Update Show Champion~has ended!!! It’s our last broadcast!!ㅠㅠ Today’s cheers were the…

생일축하해요! Happy birthday to our wonderful leader Jiu!! Thank you for always working hard and…