[TRANS] 170514 Goodnight Instagram Update #Dreamcatcher #Goodnightstagram#goodnight #goodnightgram ? Trans.: 7-dreamersDo not take without credit

[TRANS] 170514 Twitter Update Today is hot, did you work hard and have a hard…

[TRANS] 170514 Instagram Update Cute noble girl out to take a picture. Sharing one of…

[TRANS] 170514 Instagram Update #드림캐쳐 #dreamcatcher #SuA #Very #Excited #Lava #HoyiJja* *crouched down pose Trans.:…

[TRANS] 170514 Instagram Update Today!!! Fun!!! Fansign Event!!! It will be good if I do…

[TRANS] 170514 Instagram Update Is it hot??? Don’t eat hot and cold stuff!! It will…

[TRANS] 170514 Weibo Update Feeling sad entering last week of promotions..ㅜㅜ Hope to see you…

[TRANS] 170514 Instagram Update Daejeon, waiting for us we are coming umhahaha ~! #Siyeon #Singnie…