Last Update: 16-Aug-2020
How to vote for M! Countdown with Whosfan
Download and install the Whosfan app
Andriod: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.hanteo.whosfan&hl
iOS: https://apps.apple.com/ec/app/whosfan/id1473903262?l=en
‼️ M Countdown pre-voting is from Friday (2pm kst) to Monday (9am kst)
note: you can sign up with more than one account, but be careful as making too many accounts can get you suspended
? Install and open the ‘Whosfan’ app
? Click the ‘account’ icon at the bottom and login
? Register with a social media account of your choice and accept the terms & conditions
? search for ‘드림캐쳐’ to select your star
? When registering, use a referral code from a friend (7D code: TF597451) to receive more credits
? On the homepage, click the ‘store’ icon at the top
? You can collect a free M Countdown ticket when pre-voting is ongoing. M Countdown tickets will expire when voting closes! You can also exchange credits for Whosfan tickets (*note: see bottom of the page). You can get more credits by: checking in daily, reading an article, subscribing to the newsletter (once), authenticating albums.
? Click ‘get’ to collect your free ticket daily.
? Click the star icon at the bottom to go to vote & events tab
? Click on the heart next to DREAMCATCHER to vote.
? *Note: please be aware of the difference between M Countdown voting ticket and Whosfan voting ticket.