
[TRANS] 170811 Sangam Fansign Q: Please draw a dogHandong: (*see image) Trans.: KYH_0113  

[TRANS] 170813 Goodnightstagram Update #드림캐쳐 #Dreamcatcher #Goodnightstagram #goodnight #goodnightgram ? Trans.: 7-dreamersDo not take without…

170731 Handong’s 200th Day Fancafe Letter To: Precious Dreamcatcher fansHello~ It’s Dong^^ I always receive…

170804 RASTA Sunglasses Instagram post with Dreamcatcher

[TRANS] 170803 Goodnightstagram Update #드림캐쳐 #Dreamcatcher #Goodnightstagram #goodnight #goodnightgram ? Trans.: 7-dreamersDo not take without…

[TRANS] 170801 Weibo Update [#Handong] Here is DongDong~ I love all the songs on the…

[TRANS] 170731 Twitter Update [#SuA #Handong] 200th day along with DongDong couple picture ? Thankful…