
[TRANS] 170228 Weibo Update Caption 1: (Handong) Hi everyone, I’m a first-year transfer student at…

[TRANS] 170228 Instagram Update #드림캐쳐 #Sleepwellgram #Goodnightstagram #Dreamgram #Dreamcatcher #goodnight #goodnightgram ? Song:  小幸运 –…

[TRANS] 170224 Weibo Update (CH) Haven’t seen you all for a few days; have you…

[TRANS] 170220 Weibo Update Heard that the people who love us will become prettier and…

[TRANS] 170221 Twitter Update Soon SingSingDongdongYoohYoohDamDam’s V App will start! Trans.: 7-dreamersDo not take without…

[TRANS] 170219 Instagram Update #드림캐쳐 #Sleepwellgram #Goodnightstagram #Dreamgram #Dreamcatcher #goodnight #goodnightgram ? Trans.: 7-dreamersDo not…

[TRANS] 170220 Instagram Update   A flower??#Dreamcatcher #handong #한동 Trans.: 7-dreamersDo not take without credit