Over the Sky Dreamcatcher Fancafe Event (Sua)

Hello everyone~!
I am Dreamcatcher’s Sua!♥️
To celebrate the release of Dreamcatcher’s 2nd anniversary fansong special single Over the Sky, a calligraphy event is ongoing!
Please!! Confirm the details below and I hope you will participate a lot~ haha??
[‘Over the Sky’ Calligraphy Event]
– Participation Period –
2019.01.23 (Wed) Now ~ 2019.01.28 (Mon) Until 11:59PM KST
– Participation Method –
① Please write ‘Over the Sky’ title or verses from the lyrics prettily~?
★After writing the lyrics, you will have to include ‘드림캐쳐-하늘을 넘어 中’을at the end!★
(For the sake of publicity kekekekeke Must! Write it~?)
② Please write down your fancafe nickname at the bottom! 슥-슥-
③ Take a picture of your calligraphy( including your fancafe nickname) prettily!(Scanning is possible too!?)
④ Make a post with your photo under [하늘을 넘어 캘리그래피] a category under the ‘이벤트’(event) section
together with your message to Sua. Upload it as a secret message and you are done~!!! Really easy right~!
* One entry will only be allowed for each person!!?
* Posts that do not adhere to the rules will be disqualified for the event
– Example Photograph –
– Winner Selection –
Dreamcatcher’s Queen Sua will be personally choosing??
– Prize –
10 ‘Over the Sky’ autographed albums (not for sale)
Ddu doon~!!!!!!!!!!!
Everybody rally!!!!
Please participate a lot, I will be anticipating it a lot♥️
Thank you~~??