Over the Sky Dreamcatcher Fancafe Event (Jiu)


I am Dreamcatcher’s Jiu?!


Dreamcatcher 2nd Anniversary~celebration fansong! Special? Single [Over the Sky☁] release commemoration!!! 

A sky photo contest event is ongoing^▽^ 

Please do confirm~the official details below and please~participate a lot~?



[Sky Photo Contest Event! Ddu doong!]


?Participation Period?

 2019.01.23 (Wed) Now ~  2019.01.28 (Mon) Until 11:59PM KST

 ?Participation Method? 

Go out for a walk one fine day ~?


Somyas who see the beautiful sky? make a finger heart ? that can be seen with the sky and take a picture~~!☁?

(Night or Day does not matter~ go with the feeling!! Just take a picture of the sky?)


Please include your fancafe nickname in your beautiful photo!?


Post your picture that has your fancafe nickname under  [하늘 사진 콘테스트], a category under the ‘이벤트’(event) section, including your message to Jiu.
Upload it as a
 secret message  and you are done!!

(Do it in secret~ Only I will see it ^_^?)

* Only one entry per person~ Duplicates are no no?

* Posts that do not adhere to the rules will be disqualified for the event.


?Example Photograph?

 ?Winner Selection?

Dreamcatcher Jiu will pick the winners personally!!

(Yo~~~ I am!!!!)


 10 ‘Over the Sky’ autographed albums (not for sale)??


Please participate a lot 

Our somnyas??




Thank You?

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